Our CareRings's Ministry fulfills Christ directive concerning Christian stewardship spoken in Matthew 25:31-46. We are to feed the hungry, thirsty we gave you drink, homeless we care for you, naked we clothe you, sick expect us to visit, in prison we stood with you. Such, as we have done to the least of these you have done it unto Christ Jesus, Himself.
The mission is herculean yet CareRings is establish to tackle such a task with limited human and financial resources. You can follow us on this website, volunteer and contribute as we reach out to those less fortuntate than ourself.
Tranforming the Men's Ministry into the Ministry of Men! Through a series of challenges by participating in leadership teaching on the importance of fathers in the family, the role of the christain husband and the requirements and role of leaders within the church proper. Our goal is to set in place and establish present and future leaders, thereby, building a foundation that other men can continue to build upon, Make plans to join us every third Saturday at 11:00 am for our brotherhood session, sign up on the contact link.
Our women's ministry is at the forfront contributing holistically to the entire membership. Their gifts and talents are encouraged and instrumental to the edification and spiritual enlightenment of the congregation. The women's ministry is not a role hidden but embraced. Thereby strenghtening the youth and the growth all must participate to achieve spiritual maturity. We welcome your visit to join us!
The focus on our youth is viewed, taught and built on Christain doctrine, to extent the love of Christ and that each would exemplify Christain character to their peers. Our efforts is to highlight, encourage and cultivate their God given gifts. Please join us on the third Sunday of each month as our youth display that Jesus is still relevant in this present age.